Our time in Georgia has been perfect. It's been fabulous not worrying about things we need to do, place we need to be, or being woken up by an alarm clock. We decided to drive this time and we got in late Thursday night. Christmas Eve was spent at my parent's house with Charity and her little family. It was Myers' first Christmas and he is the funniest little boy. He sure does love his Uncle Cam & Aunt Chelsea. His laugh fills the house and you can't help but laugh when you hear it. Since Christmas fell on a Sunday this year we woke up early to open presents, and then got ready for church. The rest of the day was full of food, family, and a game of Ticket to Ride.
my beautiful Mimi gave me a blanket that her mom, Lula, had sewn many years ago.
papa & mymy
he was SO excited for this toy. he LOVES it.
merry christmas!